The Lights On® Toolkit
For Parents Who Want Inspired, Creative, Passion-led Learners
Are you struggling to get your child re-engaged with their learning?
Do they have so much potential locked away inside but they won't do anything without you?
There's only one problem.
Your child is resisting anything to do with learning.
Trying to replicate school at home seems to switch them off from learning even further...
even when you try to make it 'fun' and creative, sneaking in the English and Maths!
What most parents don't realise is this is that 'old school learning with a creative spin' is the fastest way to disengage your child. They totally see through your agenda!
Fortunately, there's an easier way to fast-track your child to become a successful learner
With our Lights On® toolkit you can uncover your child's passions so they can learn with real purpose and follow their own unique pathway to success.
With the Lights On® toolkit, you'll get:
5 simple steps that empower your family to have clear tangible evidence of what they are capable of achieving beyond academic grades.
One simple tool to identify your child's 'switch' (their preferred way of expressing what they are learning).
A project-based learning roadmap to help you design creative projects that lead to extraordinary tangible outcomes.
A template for creating project briefs that will ensure your child has clarity from the offset.
Four effective strategies to ensure your child is taking full ownership of the project so they follow through to the end.
In short, it's like becoming your child's very own high-performance coach, saving you £1000's no longer having to rely the professionals to do it for you.
But don't just take our word for it. Read what our Lights On® Families have to say:
“Lights On® has been a game changer for my family. My son was refusing school and I couldn't understand why he was no longer 'getting the grades'. With the support and guidance of the Lights On® team my 9 year old is smiling once again, no longer squashed by a school system that didn't recognise his full potential. We are adopting the Lights On® principles as a family and I am so excited about the possibilities that are consequently going to open up for all of us.”
- Kayte
My daughter's confidence and belief in her strengths through projects has transferred to her learning in all areas. She understands herself a lot more as a learner. In her words, ‘Yes, I have dyslexia, but I think in patterns and colour, and I can solve problems. I can come up with some really good ideas!’
- Dawn
Maybe even after reading what our Lights On® Families think, you're still on the fence.
That's OK.
You could ignore this page and continue...
...seeing your child's mental-wellbeing suffer in your struggle as you struggle get them engaging in their education.
...seeing them disconnect more and more from family life as communication with them becomes harder.
...worrying that they will never have what it takes to live an independent, happy life and feeling like you've let them down.
...regretting all that time you wasted following the wrong strategy because they have nothing to show who they are beyond the grades.
...settling for just imagining your child being happy, living a life of their dreams being financially independent but never quite achieving it.
Or you could get our self-study Lights On® Toolkit so you can get started today at your own pace.
Get our super-easy process to empower your child or teenager to learn at an exponential rate. Suitable for all ages. The younger you start the better!
Increase your child's intrinsic motivation and passion to learn for less than the cost of your daily drink of choice.
Understand and use the brain science and 21st century learning tools that all the most innovative educators around the world use.
Introduce passion-led, purpose-driven learning and hardwire your child for success so that your child has the chance to become a committed, life-long Lights On® learner.
Get Started Today For Just £247