Lights On
Lights On Kickstarter Bundle

30 steps To A Highly Engaged,
Lights On® Family


Feel freer, lighter, and braver, knowing you have the roadmap to lead your family to educational success!


Lights On Kickstarter Bundle

30 Days To A Highly Engaged,
Lights On® Family


Feel freer, lighter, and braver, knowing you have the roadmap to lead your family to educational success!



We believe parents can change the world… And it is part of our bigger mission to empower YOU to do so...

Get ready for the adventures ahead…

30 steps towards your vision of a family of passion-led learners for only £247£47


Raise your hands if you are here:


You are a mum with a vision...but you no longer know how to get there.


You often wonder... what happened to that adventurous free spirit that was here to impact the world... How did I get so stuck in the treacle of every day life?


You know there are ways to re-engage your child but feel exhausted from trying to piece it all together on your own.

Raise your hands if you are here:


You are a mum with a vision...but you no longer know how to get there.


You often wonder... what happened to that adventurous free spirit that was here to impact the world... How did I get so stuck in the treacle of every day life?


You know there are ways to re-engage your child but feel exhausted from trying to piece it all together on your own.

You may not know what to do, but you know staying stuck is not an option!

Motivating your child to learn is difficult when you have no frame of reference or experience with a different path.

You know there is nothing wrong with your child (and there’s nothing wrong with you either) and are encouraged to face the challenges head-on and do whatever it takes… if only you knew what to do!

The GOOD NEWS is -- You don’t have to become an educator or master neurocoach to flip your child’s switch… You just need guidance from one!

Parent to Parent, We believe in you.

We know you have what it takes to reinspire your child before it’s too late. And with the right tools, we know you can.

How can we be so sure? Because we are doing it every day, guiding 1000's of families to success with our framework, backed by neuroscience and proven by parents! 

Quite simply, if YOUR lights are off then you can't lead your children to be switched on learners.

Join us  and we will walk you from Lights Off to Lights On®


Inside Lights On® Kickstarter you’ll get:

Lights On® Kickstarter Portal

30 simple steps packed with neuroscience-backed tools, passion-led learning strategies from our Lights On® framework… All designed to get you empowered to shift the culture of learning so you can move out of the treacle into the adventure! 

In just 30 steps you will understand your child as a learner from the inside out!

The portal includes the following modules:

  • Reframing Learning To get your family on a fast-track to passion-led, purpose driven learning you need to know your starting position.
  • Locate Your Family’s Switches - Because switched on to learning leads to highly engaged, exponential growth!
  • Get your family ‘wired for learning’ - Discover how to use your brain’s neuroplasticity to wire your family into courageous learners.
  • Switch Their Lights On - Get the six essential steps to effective projects and start building your portfolios of tangible evidence that future-proof your child well beyond their grades.

Inside Lights On® Kickstarter you’ll get:

30 days of Sparkie Support


You don't have to do this alone! As soon as you sign up, you’ll have your own communication channel with direct access to your  personal transformational coach (AKA Sparkie).

You can reach out with questions at any point, and you’ll have an answer back within 24 hours!

1:1 Kickstart Call 


A parent without a vision is like trying to move around in the dark (while stuck in treacle!). A crystal clear vision allows you to become intentional about the steps you take.

Get crystal clear on your vision of the next 30 days during your 1:1 call with your Sparkie.

When you know your starting point, you can walk step-by-step to the higher, more rewarding engagement levels with ease.

Lights On® Kickstarter Portal

30 simple steps packed with neuroscience-backed tools, passion-led learning strategies from our Lights On® framework… All designed to get you empowered to shift the culture of learning so you can move out of the treacle into the adventure! 

In just 30 days you will understand your child as a learner from the inside out!

The portal includes the following modules:

  • Reframing Learning To get your family on a fast-track to passion-led, purpose driven learning you need to know your starting position.
  • Locate Your Family’s Switches - Because switched on to learning leads to highly engaged, exponential growth!
  • Get your family ‘wired for learning’ - Discover how to use your brain’s neuroplasticity to wire your family into courageous learners.
  • Switch Their Lights On - Get the six essential steps to effective projects and start building your portfolios of tangible evidence that future-proof your child well beyond their grades.

Sign up NOW and get these exclusive Lights On® bonuses:

BONUS 1 - Hardwire Your Mindset For Success

Unlock The Vault to the series of Julia Black’s Mindset Masterclasses on how to get your family Wired For Learning.  Listen in as you do the essential daily chores or on your commute to absorb the mindset of an educator who believes every child is capable of extraordinary learning.

Value -  Lifelong success

BONUS 2 - Sharing the Spark

Our Sparkies, Claire and Krish, put together this bonus gift of some creative sparks that have inspired our Lights On® Adventurer families. 

Value - inspiration from others is always priceless

BONUS 3 - Flexing The System With Lights On®

Get Julia Black’s strategy to help parents secure Flexi-School agreements for one or two days of learning at home during the school week. There has never been a better time for Flexi-Schooling, and this bonus will help you get clarity on your strategy.

Value - How do you put a value on your child's Mental Wellbeing? 


Sign up NOW and get these exclusive Lights On® bonuses:

BONUS 1 - Hardwire Your Mindset For Success

Unlock The Vault of Julia Black’s neuro coaching and mindset training and channel her superpowers to draw out the essence of who your child is as a learner. Listen in as you do the essential daily chores or on your commute to absorb the mindset of an educator who believes every child is capable of extraordinary learning.

BONUS 2 - How To Grow A Lights On® Writer

Writing remains one of the biggest sticking points for parents and educators, causing children to switch off to writing in the millions! This incredibly powerful masterclass with Sarah Nykoru-- an experienced educator, podcaster, coach to teachers, and master neuro-coach-- will align your thinking about facilitating ‘great writing’ with the Lights On® culture.

BONUS 3 - Sharing the Spark

Our Sparkies, Claire and Krish, put together this bonus gift of some creative sparks that have inspired our Lights On® Adventurer families. 

BONUS 4 - Flexing The System With Lights On®

Get Julia Black’s strategy to help parents secure Flexi-School agreements for one or two days of learning at home during the school week. There has never been a better time for Flexi-Schooling, and this bonus will help you get clarity on your strategy.

What Parents say about us

"I just wanted to say how grateful I am for how much Lights On® has changed our family's life.

I was getting increasingly frustrated that my daughter didn't seem to be thriving at school. She's a very bright girl but she was so unhappy. The London school system is so competitive and results focus that I started to take corrective action when she didn't seem to be measuring up to what was expected. Looked at tuition. Questioned whether she was dyslexic... I literally went looking for problems that weren't there. What I had failed to see is that the school environment was stifling her talents and ability to express herself. She was not shining bright and I was adding to that frustration when she got home.

When I thankfully stumbled across Julia, it all made sense. I didn't need to fix my daughter. I needed to let her breathe and role model what I was asking of her but demonstrating so badly.

Thank you Julia, the Sparkies and all the Lights On Families!"

Maria, July 2021

"This has really been the last missing link in our children's growth, learning and education..."


Get the Lights On® Kickstarter For Only £247 £47


"I am so grateful to have found the Kickstarter programme. It has been such a positive experience and the support has been invaluable."

- Lights On® Kickstarter Member

"It covers so many different aspects of learning and promotes a culture shift and mindset change rather than relying on parents or teachers to put in all the work to create an engaging curriculum. I know this will create a self motivated and excited learner which is what I want for my child".

- Lights On® Kickstarter Member

"I love the approach and I think it helps to have the shorter quicker ways to take action without being overwhelmed by all the resources available"

- Lights On® Kickstarter Member

Lights On® Learning is designed to work with the educational system, not against it!

The culture of learning you create using the Kickstarter will extend into EVERY area of your child's life.

Because wonder and discovery begin by connecting the heart and the brain, you will see your child gravitate towards activities, interests, and peers that support their love of learning for a lifetime.

You will be able to explore your child's learning with the same insight as a highly experienced educator and watch in amazement as your child's capabilities grow beyond what you thought possible.

Now that you understand what flipped your child’s switch off, it’s time to make the changes your child needs…

When it comes to empowering your child with a love of learning and a lifetime of achievement and success, it’s never too soon to start…

In fact, brain science shows that the earlier you begin, the easier it is to rewire your child's neuro-pathways and create the habits that lead to a successful future.

This is about so much more than report cards and homework…

You don’t want to watch your child grow up and question if you did everything you could to help them reach their full potential... You want to know you did.


The Kickstarter offers a unique opportunity to work with how your child learns-- so you can keep them engaged for a lifetime of success.

Frequently Asked Questions



"I wanted to share a culture shift. I really haven’t done much LO recently, but it’s seeping it’s way in! I was reading notes for the parents consultations with the teachers and was noticing how differently I approach them and feed them back to my son since joining LO. I am now more interested in whether he put his hand up in class and gave it a go, if he is ok with getting things wrong and if he’s at the edge of his learning boundaries.

The way I feedback to my son had changed, I reframe things into a growth mindset (“you’re really on a journey of your writing getting better - your teacher is so delighted that your thoughts and ideas are coming out on paper and that your writing is catching up with your imagination”).

Totally inspired by the session Julia did on writing, following which we had a long chat about how my son’s writing is developing and needs time to catch up with all his amazing ideas and creations and that his ability to write is not a reflection of his ability to come up with amazing and interesting ideas and stories - his relief and acknowledgement was palpable. So lots of wins coming through!"

Julie, June 2021

"Love the daily steps, community support"

- Lights On® Kickstarter Member

Get ready for the adventures ahead with…

Lights On® Kickstarter

Fast Track Your Child To Passion-led, Purpose-Driven Learning

Kickstart your kids learning journey with brain-science based Passion, Mindset, and Micro-Learning Strategies that work WITH your child’s learning style