What If Your Teenager Could Achieve Exam Success With Ease?

Even though lots of parents, like me, believe grades no longer guarantee success, they still want their children to do as well as they can academically.
The only problem is if you’re struggling to get your child to take full ownership over their revision, the whole process becomes one BIG stress for EVERYONE.
Most parents feel lost when it comes to knowing how to best support their teenager to achieve the grades AND make sure their mental health doesn’t suffer.
If you are one of them, here’s why:
You don't actually know yourself what effective study (without the stress and the overwhelm) looks like- even if you were a high achiever at school
You don't know what to say to help them believe in themselves (and anything you do or say is met with negativity)
You don't feel confident to support them, or keep your cool, when they have the meltdowns and scream ‘I hate school! I don’t care if I fail!’.
You're full of conflicting feelings because you know that the exams are just a hurdle to jump, and they do not guarantee your child’s success in the real world, yet you can’t help worry and think, ‘What if they do fail?’.
But that's not the real problem you are facing. This is:
Your teenager used to have it all together and was doing well but now they seem lost, anxious and chaotic in their approach to learning. They might have a timetable but they definitely lack a system.
You can see, beneath the ‘I don’t care’ bravado that they want to do well but they are constantly sabotaging their success through their self-doubt.
When you pop your head round the door to offer a snack you find them on their phones! One hour of sitting down at the desk with Macbeth open, because their poorly thought through timetable says English revision, is not a good strategy!
When you try to calmly ask (with no panic in your voice) ‘when are you going to study?’, they shout you down and strop out of the room. You’re left feeling a total failure AGAIN because now they’re angry and won’t take anything in anyway! You hear them talking to their friends about how annoying you are and why can’t you just trust them. You don’t like where your inner dialogue is going.
And, all of this is incredibly frustrating but what is even more infuriating is their teachers, their tutors and even you, believe they have SO much potential if only they could get their act together, put in the effort and work hard.
But the 'work hard and you'll have success' is an old school way of thinking in both education and the real world and it's this strategy that is causing ill mental health for so many young people.
So to help your teenager we’ve created a solution to share with you the EXACT system that consistently works to achieve grade goals by taking full ownership, working independently and more importantly using a strategy that creates results every single time.
Everything You Need For Exam Success

Just imagine your teen being firmly in the driving seat of their learning and taking total ownership and full control over achieving the best possible exam results.
You could:
See your child CONFIDENTLY surpass their expected exam results every time.
Know the EXACT strategies to effective revision so last-minute, stressful revision isn’t necessary.
Learn a simple system that will show you what to revise and when to revise it to get your child’s brain open to learn in the most effective way.
See your child EASILY start learning a new subject as they progress through education and into the real world - without any worry and with ease.
Stop using the same ‘out-of-date’ strategies that most people use to learn and expecting it to help your child learn.
Get to CELEBRATE your child’s massive success with complete confidence that they showed up 100% and did the best they could to achieve success for their exams - whatever the results.
You may have been struggling with getting your child to own their revision, their learning, or depending on out of date strategies like forcing them to see a tutor as opposed to equipping them with the real-life skills they need to succeed far beyond the grades… until now.
You feel like you've tried everything.
or maybe you've been trying to get them started on their revision, only for it to end in another stressful argument...
you have a tightness in your chest, knowing that next month they will need to pull it out the bag just to get through their first mock exam.

There's a secret behind those A-grades and how they are reaching exam success without the arguments, the stress & the late night revision cramming sessions.
It's time for you to be let in on their little secret - learn how your brain works to effectively and easily learn new things.

Just been looking at Esme's course. How incredible that she has created this and at such a young age. Please let her know it is professional and highly informative in its concepts, ideas and strategies and also presentation. The care and thought that has gone into this is obvious. Essie is a long way off exams yet however it is very reassuring to have something so clear and helpful I can give him when the time is right.
- Emma
Unlike other revisions systems you may have seen, everything you need for exam success is based on brain-science.
You child deserves to ace this important period of their life, feel confident in their abilities, and have the job of their dreams.
Never again have those family arguments when another exam date is released.
What's included:
A Plug and Play System with a checklists, revision log and progress tracker.
What to do before you even begin revision so that exam success feels achievable from the offset
Top tips on making study guides that work for the way your brain is wired
A traffic light system that allows you to work on your weak areas rather than stay in the comfort zone of what you already know.
How to maximise the impact of memorising the vast amount of information based on how you learn best.
The revision mistakes most people make that leaves you vulnerable to losing marks in the exam hall
Finding a revision style that is best for you so you can customise your notes to work for your brain.
What to do before and during the exam to ensure all the strategic revision you’ve been doing pays off
How to get clarity on what is holding you back from success - if you know you can do something about it before it is too late!

Hi, I’m Julia Black
I've spent the past 13 years innovating in education for parents, teachers and my own business. My #1 focus is to place mental wellbeing at the forefront of any educational strategy.
In 2010 I won the NCPTA Gold Star Reward for Changing The Life Of The School as a Governor and Chair of the PTA.
I helped 1000s of children (2013-2018) through my creative learning centre, and collaborations with mainstream and special schools, tap into where their natural genius lies.
I have a transformative learning framework, Lights On®, that helps families move away from old school educational strategies that no longer work for this generation of children.
I’m a certified master neurocoach and work with mums from all over the world to uplevel their own thinking so they can lead their whole family to success, whilst still being there as ‘mum’.
I’m 100% committed to helping children, teens and adults explore their natural born talents so they can begin to explore their exponential potential and each family that comes on board we create a bigger ripple to change the current outdated exam driven system.
When it comes to exams there is a time, date and place to be and unfortunately your teen is judged on that one moment in time. Help your teenager become a more switched on, engaged and Lights On® learner with the best possible chance of jumping the hurdles as high as they can.
Take action now and get onboard With EVERYTHING YOU NEED FOR EXAM SUCCESS IF YOU...
- Want to give your teen total ownership over their success
- Ensure you prioritize their mental wellbeing above their academic grades
- Feel confident you gave them all the support, tools and strategies they could need to leave school, college or university with the grades they deserve
This is NOT Right For You If...
- Deep down you don’t believe you’re child is capable of achieving something extra ordinary.
- You’re not an action-taker.
- You are not willing to show up AND support your child.
- You don't think helping your child learn effectively is important.
Satisfaction Guarantee
I’m a parent just like you. I understand the risk you feel when deciding to invest into more revision aids for your child. You work hard for your money and don’t want to waste it on something that should have been a blog post.
I’m extremely proud of the products we create and I know anyone who buys them and implements the strategy will be thrilled with their purchase.
That’s why I’m offering a 30-day money back guarantee. While I can’t guarantee that this guide will quadruple your child’s exam results, I can guarantee your satisfaction with the quality of the course and the time and stress it will save you.
Of course, If you’re not happy with this training, I will refund your money within 30 days of your purchase.