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Becoming Lights On with Community

Become an inspiring leader of your family in our 90 day programme.

The programme includes:


  • An online portal with step-by-step video trainings to guide you through the 4 stages of growth: Being Self Aware, Being Aspirational, Being Fulfilled, Being Aligned. 
  • The portal includes a weekly prerecorded masterclass session with Master Neurocoach Julia Black, creator of Lights On® and a weekly prerecorded teaching session with Master Neurocoach, Sarah Nykoruk, Teaching Little Brains Podcaster. Sarah dives deep into the science behind Lights On® - this will give you a strong why and satisfy your hunger to learn the WHY this works (because it really does!) 
  • Downloadable Spark Workbooks that help you keep track of your 90 day adventure. 
  • Daily emails with easy to achieve mini-missions that ensure you walk one intentional step at a time towards your vision. BECOMING Lights On is about doing less - so don't worry about overwhelm here!  
  • An exclusive, private community to connect with the amazing mums who are all committed to their growth. Surround yourself with inspiring people and it becomes contagious. Their growth = your growth = your family's growth.  


    Lights On Activation
    with Julia Black

    Learn the simple way to dial up your Lights On state of being. This activation is intentionally designed to help you get really good at contrasting between the two mental and emotional states.

    Self Compassion
    with Amy Brennan

    In this incredible masterclass Amy explores how to face our emotions with courage.

    Tapping with Sarah Nykoruk

    Masterclass with Sarah Nykoruk using Rapid Relief Technique to Tap Into A Lights On® Life.

    Gratitude with Silke Tyler

    Embark on a true journey of gratitude that will transform you and your environment.



What Mums Are Saying:

I love this program. It really opened my eyes to areas which I could not see and even less imagine to be able to see. It is truly magic!


Another realisation Ive been having in the last day or two is that my brain is absorbing much more than I am giving it credit. I’m listening and reading and writing all this stuff, so much stuff!! Last week i just really didnt know where to start, now I need to keep trusting it can bring the relevant bits to the forefront. I can do this. I am doing this.


I have never celebrated myself - neither the small or the big things - so this new insight and experience has been a wonderful revelation.


Although we are only 21 days into this 90 day programme, I am already feeling the benefits for myself and my family. The combination of Julia's superpower experience and Sarah's neuroscience genius, is incredibly powerful. The daily emails and Spark Book, have helped me to recognise my thoughts and feelings and given me the power to know I have choices of who I want to be and where I want to go in life. I am taking action and seeing the results of how I can change mine and my family's future for the better.


In this programme you will have almost daily revelations that quickly move you into a new mental landscape. Learning how to dial up my feel-good neurococktail was transformative! It felt amazing! With the inspiring coaching from Julia and Sarah, and incredible support within the FB group, it is impossible not to make rapid progress. It’s absolutely fascinating to look behind the scenes at your thoughts and feelings: what’s really driving you?! Julia and Sarah provide sound, evidence based methods to rewire your brain one intentional step at a time. I have never spent this much money on myself before but even the first few weeks have proved that I definitely made the right decision.


One of the best things I have invested in since motherhood. I have learnt so much in the first 21 days about myself. Highly recommend the opportunity to learn how to bring light into your own life so you can share that light with your family and others around you.


This programme, in my opinion, has been the best yet in terms of the step-by-step approach. I feel totally supported and though it is full-on, it is worth every second of invested time. I’m learning so much great Neuro-Science that I can easily apply to my life and feel excited for the changes that will come. Thank you!


So far the Becoming Lights On programme has been incredibly insightful. There is so much information, help and guidance provided to keep you moving on your own journey


Julia and Sarah are really committed to ensuring everyone gets the most out of the programme and show up with support and encouragement at every stage. The programme is well structured and thought out and has the potential to really help us see what is holding us back.


I feel a lot more calm in situations that used to trigger me. I am more aware when I am getting frustrated and able to choose how I would like to feel instead and I am being a lot more empathetic and curious when my kids are struggling emotionally (meltdowns, being rude, not listening etc.) that would have previously made me angry and stay angry for hours or I would have let it ruin my day. I am a lot more focused on doing what is important to me and will move me toward what I want - my vision.


Where I found myself going round in circles I now have learned to become aware of thoughts that were bringing me back to the same point without me knowing. Learning to allow them, and the feelings/emotions they stir up in me, are giving me the opportunity to become best friends with myself! Making me confident and clear that I have a choice to choose differently, different thoughts that let me lead my life as I love to.


This course is full to the brim of rich pickings to ponder, explore and savour. It feels like an awakening and at this stage in the programme I am amazed at where it is taking me. I’m really feeling the benefits in my day to day thoughts, my energy levels and how I am showing up for myself.


If I can begin to conquer ME then I totally see how that will ripple down to John and others in my life, creating the space for them to be who they can be too. I get it. I need to embed it and to live it! You really are an amazing and inspiring person Julia, thank you for making yourself available and inviting us all in. Knowing your stories and your journey, you are walking the walk and talking the talk and it makes it all the more powerful. Your pitch is precise and clear, the language so engaging. To be able to see how you are developing your programmes is fascinating and role modelling through and though. Go YOU!


We are still only a third of the way through Becoming Lights on and I am amazed how far I have come again! It hasn't been easy by any means and I still have a way to go, but I feel like the path is becoming clearer every day. What Julia, Sarah and Amy have given me during this 'Becoming Aspirational' Phase of this inspirational programme, is capturing my negative self talk, recognising it in myself and my family, and REALLY getting comfortable with being uncomfortable. All these things I used to avoid at all costs. Now I see, by being open to these feelings, I know I can walk through the wall of doubt, fear and self judgement. I have the tools to break down this wall and see what is on the other side and where I want to go as clear as day!


Just absolutely transformative what this work does, it is a no brainer. In just a week I have gone from stuck, overwhelmed and resentful to liberated, joyful and purposeful, truly miraculous
