£17.00 GBP

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Activate Your Family's Potential Ticket

Three live 90 minute masterclasses by Julia Black.

There are 3 keys that will unlock your family's potential with ease.  Join my 3 part masterclass series and learn how to use your family’s natural born talents to accelerate their growth.


Instant access to the Unleash Your Family's Potential Facebook group where you can binge watch the full UFP series. 

This will give you the foundations of my LEARN model and get you inspired to Activate Your Family’s Potential! 

What People Are Saying about my masterclass:

Unleash Your Families Potential ignited me into being creative again. I have been following Lights On for a while, yet this training gave me even newer insight into how I can move forward with myself and my family, and to look at learning in a whole new light. Inspirational.


I loved Julia's energy and passion for what she does. She draws you in and makes you feel nothing is impossible. It gave me some insights to what I need to be looking for with my children, how even the smallest spark can turn them in to lights on when they are so disengaged. I loved the sessions and will be doing further session in the near future.


Unleash your Families Potential course was all and more than I thought it would and could be. I signed up as I wanted a clear pathway to engage my kids in their learning but what I discovered was a whole new exciting ‘Lights On’ world that honestly has taken breath away. It has given me insight and knowledge on how our whole family can engage with not only their learning but the world around them.
