£7.00 GBP

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After you have activated your Lights On state you are going to be ready to lead your family to become the boss of their brains. So grab this opportunity to get our Boss Of Your Brain training and have fun with your family creating in a Lights On way. £33 (incl VAT).

Lights On Activation

When you become conscious and intentional about being in a Lights On state, you create the best environment for your family to learn and grow.


What Mums Are Saying:

It's been a very meaningful experience as I have become aware of how helpful it has been for me to productively think/reflect on the impact of my thoughts... I valued so much the focus on self as apposed to focus on others/children.


Thank you for your guidance over these last 7 days. These last few days of exploring this with you have been surprisingly helpful... I am feeling shifts in becoming more self aware... I have loved journeying with you.


I realised how much negative self talk I have...it was really nice to step into a different relationship with myself


I am feeling positive as I know what I need to keep me in the Lights On mode. I'm taming my negative self talk as that is what holds me back - I am now aware
